
To Do List

Ive finaly figured out how to make a grid work, mind all of the spaghetti on the floor. Might have a redesign of the web coming in, might not. As of 14/12/2023 i dont know how to have dates autoassign, mave a menu, have the top banner follow the screen, have a music player.
P.s. The boxes all conform to the longest one, make it stop PLEASE!! Im literally banana monkey right now

Cool Site (iframes!)

03/04/2024 3:14pm

edited 26/09/2024 8:25pm

WRONG, this website aint cool anymore. iFrames are interesting tho


17/03/2024 10:50pm

I was pulling my hair out trying to make the damn buttons work and I finally got it to work! Turns out I didn't figure out to copy over all of the classes. GOnna add more now, this means I can add as many posts as I want! Yipee. Im hopefully going to make it searchable at some point, maybe a whole revamp is going to happen but that is wayyyy far into the future. This might even stop being the front page eventually. Going to start dating my posts from now on, the format might change every now and again.

Fun in the sun

Decided to go outside (woah) and I ended up finding myself on a beach! Given the awseome moon tan my legs have I wanted to give them some time in the sun. This did not go well. For the last couple of days my legs have been killing me. The skin on the otherside of my knee is all burnt hurty. Never going outside again i've decided.

Warhammer 40k Feller

Warhammer 40k Statue (In progress(Front)) Warhammer 40k Statue (In progress(Back))

I had this fellow since I was like 8, never painted it and I finally got around to it. I got bored and distracted so its not finished, will update later on.

Top 3 Fav Monkey

  1. Swag Monkey

    Ripped and swag monkey
  2. Banana Monkey

    Monkey dressed up as his vaf food
  3. Ears Monkey

    Monkey using a hat to fool his predators